50megs Edition The name explains it all. 110 beauties. Now located on 2 different hosts.
Tripod Edition Last updated- 7/12/02.
My Resume. . . along with some of my computer graphics work. Last updated- July 12, 2002. |
My Screenplays I'm an aspiring screenwriter and these are my screenplays, four features now under my belt. Last updated- July 12, 2002.
Deadly Relations, Roommates L'Asperches U., & Mental
APPRECIATE THE SITES? NOW EXCEPTING DONATIONS. It'll only take a minute or 2 of your time and it'll encourage me to continue updating. Thank you. I'm a poor college student. Violins please.Getting well over 6,000 visitors a year, it would seriously cover the hosting bill if each of you donated as little as a penny! :-) (Though, naturally, you're encouraged to give more :-D )
Frederick William Springer III My original homepage. Life in Perth Amboy, humor, friends, and a glimpse into my personality. Really haven't done much with it since it's creation back in '99.
Copyright © 1999-2003, Frederick William Springer III